Posted on 25.10.13
Westhill Working Women's Group
Your Event Scotland has developed into a unique event resource, enhanced by a diverse, experienced and personable team who can recommend, assist, source, organise and/or manage, as much or as little as you require for your event – personal, corporate or charity - from fireworks to fire eaters, parties to press conferences .
Your Event Scotland launched the Westhill Working Women's (WWW) Group on Wednesday 9th October. The aim of the group is to provide ladies working in Westhill the opportunity to network, learn and have fun! Taking on board ideas from the working women of Westhill, their suggestions brought forward so far will see the Your Event Scotland team organise events for the ladies to socialise whilst gaining knowledge from a wealth of different areas covering both business and personal.
The first night hosted at the Westhill Golf Club had Shann Elliot RGN (Nurse and Breast Health Consultant) showcasing the only DITI scanner in Scotland. We were delighted that our first meeting went very well and appreciated everyone's enthusiasm for the group to grow and succeed, thanks to the Aberdeen Breast Health & Thermal Imaging Centre for providing the scan unit.
We would like to thank everyone for attending with special thanks to Shan, The Golf Club, J.Thomson Colour Printers and Mainco for sponsoring and supporting.
If you work in Westhill and would like to join the group please email for more information.