Exclusive Scottish Visits
Dunstaffnage, 2c Cairndhu Avenue, Helensburgh, Argyll , G84 8W
07801 701 486
Scotland is a very special country, and a marvellous place to visit. But how do you get the very most out of your time?
Well that's where John Harbour and Exclusive Scottish Visits come in! John can guarantee a truly extraordinary and unforgettable experience in our unique and beautiful land - whether you spend just a few days or several weeks exploring it.
Exclusive Scottish Visits only offer visits to small groups - usually couples or four to six friends and family. John will welcome you as his personal guest and work with you to devise a bespoke itinerary that covers exactly what you want to see and do. He'll take you to places and show you things from an insider's point of view, ensuring you get beneath the surface and really appreciate our country.
You can explore rugged countryside, walk the beautiful coastal pathways or play golf on the best courses in the world. Sample fine malt whiskies right where they're made, fish for salmon, search for Nessie, visit romantic castles, track down ancestors and discover deserted beaches! In Scotland's great cities you can visit galleries and museums, discovering art, architecture - and shopping! Everywhere you go, enjoy fantastic local food and drink.
And do it all in style!