Your Event Scotland Networking Nights
Westhill Business Center, Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, Aberdeen, AB32 6UF
01224 330680
Your Event Scotland hold networking nights all over the country!
They are fun, friendly and relaxed evenings that can generate growth potential for your business through quality contacts and leads.
If you would be interested in attending one please contact us.
Annual Networking Events held at Gleneagles! Click here for more information.
Some testimonials from the previous networking events:
“Just wanted to say a huge ‘thank you’ for a fun event last night. The company was excellent, and you provided a very relaxed and enjoyable event for even better networking!” Carole Bridge, Maggie’s Centres.
“Great night, thank you – Business Building Bubbly Bonanza great idea for networking” Mary Macfarlane, Inverness Chamber of Commerce.