Scottish Events & Festivals Association
The Scottish Events & Festivals Association is the official trade body in Scotland providing leadership and representation for organisers, promoters and suppliers involved in the festivals, events and tourism industry throughout Scotland and the UK.
With the festivals, tourism and events industry identified as a core component of the Scottish Governments economic strategy, it is essential that representation at Scottish and UK Government level is made to ensure the sustainability and growth of the industry.
Scotland is already on the international stage for a wide variety of festivals and events, especially after successful bids to deliver the Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup in 2014, and with a number of other key events coming to Scotland in the next few years. It is essential therefore that the views of the industry are heard to ensure safe and successful delivery of these and existing events and to provide a sustainable platform to build on these for the future.
The Scottish Events & Festivals Association will promote the highest standards of professionalism and best practice in the industry in addition to support, advice and information for those working in the sector. The Association will support its members by promoting their businesses and interests in a vibrant UK sector and be the first port-of-call for anyone investigating local suppliers for organising an event in Scotland.
The Scottish Events & Festivals Association will provide a supplier database of all suppliers working in the industry. The premise of the Association and key to its success is providing opportunities for businesses to do business networking.