Dreams Come True Scotland
Exchange House, 33 Station Road, Liphook, GU30 7DW
01224 330 680
Dreams Come True Scotland fulfil the dreams of life limited and seriously ill children and young people between the ages of 2-21 across Scotland. A dream can be anything from swimming with dolphins, a family day out, meeting a favourite celebrity or idol. Sometimes a dream can be to help with everyday life so we can also provided specialised pieces of equipment such as wheelchairs, eye gaze or sensory units. No matter what the dream, it can have a profound impact on the child and young person and give them the chance to experience new activities away from the day to day routine of hospital visits and treatment.
For your chance to fulfill a dream, please contact us! Or check out our Facebook page for upcoming events in Scotland similar to the ones below!
Dreams Come True planned plenty of fundraising events over the Christmas period. This included a bag packing event at M&S in which they raised the necessary funds to make several childrens dreams come true last christmas. See more info in the poster below -
Dreams Come True kicked of their fundraising by holding a family fun day in the city centre of Aberdeen with special guest appearances from Anna and Elsa from frozen along with fairy Joelle.