YES Expo
Westhill Business Centre, Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, ABERDEEN, AB32 6UF
01224 330 680
Save the date!
Wednesday 26th October 2016
We are launching a brand new events exhibition in Edinburgh this September!
An event that connects professionals and helps build networks as well as promote your company's trade.
This event gives you the opportunity to exhibit and promote your business to potential clients and business partners. Visitors have the opportunity to find the companies that they need to organise their perfect event.
Everyone welcome.
We are planning both business time (including networking, presentations and talks) as well as student sessions allowing students to get to know the industry, and gain some valuable contacts. Both exhibiting companies and students will have the opportunity to get to know each other and share their ideas and industry knowledge.
Stand prices starting from £245!
For more information and to express your interest, e-mail us at: